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Thursday, May 31, 2012
Family Of Dude Who Died in Threesome awarded $3million ...
DM ? The family of a man who died in a three-in-the-bed sex romp have won $3million in damages against a doctor who failed to warn him about extreme physical activity. William Martinez, 31, suffered a fatal heart attack caused by the excitement and physical activity with a woman and another man. They claimed he had failed to warn Martinez about taking part in any physical activity after he visited him to complain about chest pains a week before the threesome.A jury in Gwinnett County State Court initially awarded Martinez to be 40 per cent liable for his own death, reducing the verdict to $3 million.
Listen I don?t care about this dead guy getting 3 million or any of that shit.?? Who the fuck has threesomes with 2 dudes?? Sure it?s all fine and dandy if the chick is always giving a blowjob to one person while the other dude fucks her in the ass, but I?ve seen enough porn to know it never stays that way. At some point swords are gonna cross and then I?m not sure what happens. I think that opens a portal to gayville or something. I just don?t ever want my cock touching another cock except maybe Lord Lamberts. But other than that never. No piece of pussy is worth taking that risk for. Not even Jenny Dell. That shit will scar you for life. Am I the only one that feels that way?
Vote 1 for you?d mash cocks to fuck Jenny Dell and 10 for it?s not worth the mental anguish of getting another man?s jizz splash back on your ding a ling. You can?t forget that type of shit.

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What Should I Look for in an Elder/Probate Mediator? | The Law ...
If you are at the point of looking for an elder or probate mediator for a dispute that relates to:
????????????? Health or medical care decisions
????????????? Housing Concerns, Assisted Living or Long-Term Care
????????????? Powers of Attorney ? Health Care and Financial
????????????? Dementia or other cognitive, physical or emotional decline
????????????? Advance Directives and End-of-Life Decisions
????????????? Respite care and Support for Caregivers
????????????? Independence and self-determination vs. safety issues
????????????? Suspected abuse, neglect or self-neglect
If you are in the midst of a legal proceeding and are exploring alternatives, either with or without legal counsel, such as:
? ??????????? Estate or Trust administration and Distribution conflicts
????????????? Guardianship or Conservatorship proceedings in probate court
You may be interested in speaking to an elder/probate mediator about resolving your dispute in mediation.? The major benefits of mediation include:
? ??????????? A confidential and safe setting to discuss private family issues
????????????? Ability to retain control of the outcome of the process, as opposed to litigation ? where a judge decides
????????????? Creative outcomes can be crafted after brainstorming and evaluating various options with a mediator
????????????? Participation of family members and others in mediation sessions
????????????? Mediation is less expensive and much faster than going to court
But one of the concerns you may have is about what to ?look for? in an elder/probate mediator.? First a detail ? I refer to this type of mediation as ?elder/probate? or ?elder and probate? as distinguished from ?elder and guardianship? which is more common in other parts of the country, because the term ?elder and probate? includes guardianship, conservatorship, estate and trust administration.? In January 2012, the Canadian Centre for Elder Law (British Columbia) published a 195 page report entitled ?Elder and Guardianship Mediation.?? Unfortunately, it appears that the report is no longer available online as it was in January 2012.? I liked the report because it is carefully researched (599 footnotes) and has useful appendices include reference materials.
What I find helpful from a consumer?s perspective are the parts of the report that zero in on ethical issues elder and probate mediators face as well as some of the standards of practice recognized by mediation organizations.? These are particularly useful in Colorado, because the State of Colorado does not certify, license or otherwise regulate mediators.
It gives a background of mediation?s core ethical standards: voluntariness of participation (this notwithstanding the fact that a judge may order parties to mediation); confidentiality of process; and impartiality and neutrality of the mediator.? The universe of elder law issues which are appropriate for mediation are outlined above, but generally concern most types of inter-generational or multigenerational family disputes.? These include any matters which are referred to mediation by a judge in probate court.
According to the report (at 36-48) some ethical issues that elder/probate mediators and participants may encounter include:
????????????? Power imbalances among disputing parties that may need to be identified before mediation is determined to be appropriate
????????????? Mediator?s ability to remain impartial (this is important in mediation because it does not have the ?checks and balances? of procedural fairness that is built into litigation process)
????????????? Self-determination and capacity to participate in mediation (here an elder adult may or may not be present at the mediation and may be supported by another person)
????????????? Accommodation of participants and ability to support parties? participation in process
????????????? Confidentiality ? this is one of the key benefits of mediation, and in a multi-party mediation or where health care or support professionals may be involved, this can be challenging
????????????? Suspected abuse or neglect ? keep in mind that Colorado, unlike most states, does not have a mandatory elder abuse reporting statute ? this issue in the mediation context is controversial and should be handled with care
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Mediator competence ? as stated above, Colorado doesn?t certify or license mediators, so this can be challenging to identify what ?mediator competence? looks like in the elder/probate context.??? Helpful here is the ACR Section on Elder Decision-Making & Conflict Resolution?s ?Elder Care and Elder Family Decision Making Mediation Training Objectives? from 2011, available here
This information is provided as a number of suggested questions to ask when you are interviewing a mediator. Feel free to ask questions!
?Barbara Cashman, LLC??
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Full Marriage Equality: Supporting Gay Marriage, Opposing ...
This should not be surprising, given human history. Some people did and do fight discrimination against women, but are fine with discrimination against racial minorities. Or they have fought discrimination against racial minorities but support discrimination against women, or discrimination against LGBT people, or people with disabilities... on and on it goes. Some people have different biases and prejudices, or a group they treat like a punching bag while supporting another group that is being discriminated against. Some people have no hesitation in turning around and using the same arguments in denying rights to others that were used to deny rights to them.
Unfortunately, bigotry and prejudice are sometimes enshrined in law, and laws can be arbitrary... some country or division thereof might pass a law limiting marriages to Saturdays in June, if that is what the people in power want. So laws have allowed interracial marriage, but banned marriage for gay couples and lesbian couples, or have allowed gay couples to marry, but banned polygamous marriages. In some countries, polygyny is accepted, but gays and lesbians can?t even come out of the closet. In the US, some states allow (mostly heterosexual, so far) first cousins to marry, but some states don't, and virtually none allow any relatives closer than that to marry.
When someone asks, ?Is it bigotry to advocate gay marriage, but oppose polyamory?? The answer is: yes, it is. It is one thing, and a valid one, to explain that gay or lesbian monogamy is not the same thing as any version of polyamory. It is another thing, and bigotry at that, to throw polyamorous people under the bus; that one is not polyamorous does not mean it is okay to stand by while the polyamorous are discriminated against, and it certainly isn?t okay to join in and denounce polyamory as a legitimate sphere of relationships.
?I?m not polyamorous.?
?I think polyamory is disgusting.?
?Polymory goes against tradition.?
?My religion is against it.?
?It?s not natural.?
?It hurts children.?
?It hurts women.?
?It is abusive.?
?It spreads STIs.?
?What?s next??
?Our laws are set up for monogamy.?
Those are essentially same arguments that were used against allowing monogamous gays and lesbians to marry.
The homophobes, against all gay or lesbian relationships, tout statistics of substance abuse, domestic violence, and the like. But shouldn?t we expect problems like that in a group that has largely been rejected (even by their own family,) systematically discriminated against, even prosecuted for being who they are and loving other adults? Likewise, the negative indicators cited against polygamy as correlating are not caused by polygamy. They can be attributed to the overall subculture which was studied (frontier 19th century US under patriarchal monolithic church, isolated patriarchal theocracies, Arabian and African misogynistic patriarchies, etc.) With gender equality, domestic violence protections, and the freedoms to not marry and to divorce, allowing an adult, regardless of religion, gender, or sexual orientation, their rights to share love, sex, residence, and marriage with any consenting adults will help women, some of whom will choose to marry two or more other women. It will also help children, whose parents will be able to legally cohabitate and marry if that is what they want. It will also help men, too. Legalization will make it more likely that abusers will be caught, because victims and witnesses will not have to fear self-incrimination by informing law enforcement.
This debate has recently been seen in Australia. In Australia, is it not legal to have a different sex partner (or two or more) every night and to have children with multiple different people? But it isn?t legal to marry or be married more than one other person at the same time? What kind of sense is that?
Yes, it is possible for the laws to include gay and lesbian couples in marriage, but not polyamorous relationships (or consanguinamorous relationships.) But that is arbitrary. What is consistent? What is fair? What is justice? What is loving? What is equality? Equality just for some is not equality. Full marriage equality means an adult is free to marry any consenting adults. It doesn?t mean anyone else has to do anything they don?t want. It simply means not treating some adults as second class citizens based on their sexual orientation or which other adults they love.
Do we take the concept of consenting adults seriously or not? Why do we allow a woman to go to war at age 18, operate heavy machinery, vote, and do so many other things, but we don?t allow her to marry another woman? Or marry a man who is already married, even though all are informed and consenting?
These relationships exist, and always have. Some of them are lasting, loving, beautiful relationships. Some people in these relationships are raising children together. Many of these people are good citizens and neighbors. Why deny any of them marriage, if they want it?
While many gay and lesbian relationships are monogamous, most polyamorous relationships include at least one person who can be considered LGBT. Even in strictly heterosexual ?V? relationships (M-F-M or F-M-F), the two people of the same gender, even if they are never together, have what is called a metamour relationship. So the rights of polyamorous people should be considered part of the overall ?queer? or LGBT civil rights issue.
Stand up for everyone?s right to marry, not just your right to marry or your friend?s right to marry. Whether someone is monogamous or polyamorous, or gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, queer, or whatever, everyone should have the freedom to marry and everyone should stand up for full marriage equality.
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Workers among 16 dead in latest big Italian quake
An escavator removes debris in Cavezzo, northern Italy, Tuesday, May 29, 2012. A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck the same area of northern Italy stricken by another fatal tremor on May 20. (AP Photo/Marco Vasini)
An escavator removes debris in Cavezzo, northern Italy, Tuesday, May 29, 2012. A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck the same area of northern Italy stricken by another fatal tremor on May 20. (AP Photo/Marco Vasini)
A man looks at a collapsed farm in Camposanto, northern Italy, Tuesday, May 29, 2012. A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck the same area of northern Italy stricken by another fatal tremor on May 20. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
Italian firefighter sprays water on debris of a collapsed factory in Mirandola, northern Italy, Tuesday, May 29, 2012. A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck the same area of northern Italy stricken by another fatal tremor on May 20. (AP Photo/Marco Vasini)
A man walks in front of a collapsed church in Mirandola, northern Italy, Tuesday, May 29, 2012. A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck the same area of northern Italy stricken by another fatal tremor on May 20. (AP Photo/Marco Vasini)
Italian firefighters search the debris of a collapsed factory in Mirandola, northern Italy, Tuesday, May 29, 2012. A magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck the same area of northern Italy stricken by another fatal tremor on May 20. (AP Photo/Marco Vasini)
SAN FELICE SUL PANARO, Italy (AP) ? Workers at the small machinery company had just returned for their first shift following Italy's powerful and deadly quake earlier this month when another one struck Tuesday morning, collapsing the roof.
At least three employees at the factory ? two immigrants and an Italian engineer checking the building's stability ? were among those killed in the second deadly quake in nine days to strike a region of Italy that hadn't considered itself particularly quake prone.
By late Tuesday, the death toll stood at 16, with one person missing : a worker at the machinery factory in the small town of San Felice Sul Panaro. Some 350 people also were injured in the 5.8 magnitude quake north of Bologna in Emilia Romagna, one of Italy's more productive regions, agriculturally and industrially. Originally government officials had put the death toll at 17, and there was no immediately explanation for the lowered toll.
The injured included a 65-year-old woman who was pulled out alive by rescuers after lying for 12 hours in the rubble of her apartment's kitchen in Cavezzo, another town hard hit by the quake. Firefighters told Sky TG24 TV that a piece of furniture, which had toppled over, saved her from being crushed by the wreckage. She was taken to a hospital for treatment.
The building had been damaged in the first quake, on May 20, and had been vacant since. The woman had just gone back inside it Tuesday morning to retrieve some clothes when the latest temblor knocked down the building, firefighters said.
Factories, barns and churches fell, dealing a second blow to a region where thousands remained homeless from the May 20 temblor, much stronger in intensity, at 6.0 magnitude.
The two quakes struck one of the most productive regions in Italy at a particularly crucial moment, as the country faces enormous pressure to grow its economy to stave off the continent's debt crisis. Italy's economic growth has been stagnant for at least a decade, and the national economy is forecast to contract by 1.2 percent this year.
The area encompassing the cities of Modena, Mantua and Bologna is prized for its super car production, churning out Ferraris, Maseratis and Lamborghinis; its world-famous Parmesan cheese, and less well-known but critical to the economy: machinery companies.
Like the May 20 quake, many of the dead in Tuesday's temblor were workers inside huge warehouses, many of them prefabricated, that house factories. Inspectors have been determining which are safe to re-enter, but economic pressure has sped up renewed production ? perhaps prematurely.
Seven people were killed in the May 20 quake. In both, the dead were largely and disproportionately workers killed by collapsing factories and warehouses.
Co-workers of Mohamed Azeris, a Moroccan immigrant and father of two who died in the just-reopened factory, claim he was forced back to work as a shift supervisor or faced losing his job. A local union representative had demanded an investigation.
"Another earthquake ? unfortunately during the day ? that means people were inside working, so I think that an investigation will need to be opened here to check who cleared as safe these companies to understand who's responsible for this," Erminio Veronesi told The Associated Press.
At another factory closer to the epicenter in in the city of Medolla, rescue crews searched for three workers who did not turn up at roll call after the quake and were presumed dead.
Premier Mario Monti, tapped to steer the country from financial ruin in November, pledged that the government would quickly provide help to the area "that is so special, so important and so productive for Italy."
The Coldiretti farm lobby said damage to the agricultural industry, including Parmesan makers whose aging wheels of cheese already suffered in the first quake, had risen to ?500 million ($626 million) with the second hit. The Modena Chamber of Commerce estimated that the first quake alone had cost businesses ?1.5 million, with no fresh estimates immediately available.
Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini, all centered around Modena, reported no damage, and said workers were evacuated and then allowed to go home to check on their homes and families. Lamborghini planned to keep production halted on Wednesday.
The quake was felt from Piedmont in northwestern Italy to Venice in the northeast and as far north as Austria. Dozens of aftershocks hit the area, some registering more than 5.0 in magnitude.
The temblor terrified many of the thousands of people who have been living in tents or cars since the May 20 quake and created a whole new wave of homeless.
"I was shaving and I ran out very fast, half dressed," a resident of Sant'Agostino, one of the towns devastated in the quake earlier this month, told AP Television News.
Tuesday's quake struck just after 9 a.m. with an epicenter 40 kilometers (25 miles) northwest of Bologna, according to the U.S. Geological Survey ? just several kilometers (miles) away from where the 6.0-magnitude quake that killed seven people on May 20 was centered.
In the town of Mirandola, near the epicenter, the church of San Francesco crumbled, leaving only its facade standing. The main cathedral also collapsed. Sant'Agostino's town hall, so damaged in the May 20 quake that it looked as if it had been bombed, virtually fell apart when the latest deadly temblor struck.
Labor Minister Elsa Fornero suggested the destruction to buildings was out of proportion, considering the magnitude of the quake. "It is natural that the earth shakes. But it is not natural that buildings collapse," Fornero said told lawmakers in Parliament's lower Chamber of Deputies.
The May 20 quake was described by Italian emergency officials as the worst to hit the region since the 1300s. In addition to the deaths, it knocked down a clock tower and other centuries-old buildings. Its epicenter was about 35 kilometers (22 miles) north of Bologna.
Tuesday's earthquake and strong aftershocks from the May 20 temblor are not surprising or unexpected, said Harley Benz, scientist in charge of the U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Center.
"This is an area that is known to have earthquakes," Benz said. The earthquakes aren't as powerful and not as recent as those that circle the Pacific Ocean in the famed "ring of fire," but they are still active over the years. The region around Bologna has had at least five previous significant earthquakes between 5.3 and 6.8 magnitudes in the past 550 years, most recently in 1929 with a series of quakes, he said.
Residents had just been taking tentative steps toward resuming normal life when Tuesday's quake struck. In Sant'Agostino, a daycare center had just reopened. In the town of Concordia, the mayor had scheduled a town meeting Tuesday evening to discuss the aftermath of the first quake. Instead, Mayor Carlo Marchini confirmed the death of one person struck by falling debris in the town's historic center.
Italy's soccer match against Luxembourg, a warm-up for the Euro 2012 championships, was canceled. The game had been scheduled to be played Tuesday in Parma, just 60 kilometers (40 miles) west of the quake.
Barry reported from Milan. Frances D'Emilio contributed from Rome, Malcolm Ritter from New York and Seth Borenstein from Washington.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012
HTC: US Customs review is finished, One X and EVO 4G LTE shipments coming
HTC has spoken out about the recent US Customs debacle, and provided the following statement.
HTC has completed the review process with US Customs and HTC devices have been released, as they are in compliance with the ITC’s ruling. Future shipments should continue to enter the US and we are confident that we will soon be able to meet the demand for our products.
Still no official word on how everything went down, and we don't imagine we'll ever be privy to that (or need to be). But the good news, and the important bits are that the review process is over, HTC's One X and EVO 4G LTE have been found to be compliant and are making their way to fill the shelves. It's a good thing, as anyone who has already picked one up will tell you that they are awesome phones. We're glad to see this mess behind us, and look forward to seeing the phones people want in the hands that want them.

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Video: Preserving Neil Armstrong?s historic steps
NASA has asked that any future astronauts visiting the moon avoid disturbing any artifacts left by past U.S. missions. NBC?s Brian Williams reports.
>>> nasa is taking steps now to preserve the steps they took decades ago on the surface of the moon. they're protecting american landing sights on the moon. presumably because you never know who or what will go back there. and there's a number of missions vying to go back with unmanned craft. they just wanted to declare the area off limits. neil armstrong 's footprints will never fade. they want to make sure they and all the others will remain undisturbed.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012
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How to Start Learning Hebrew in the Next 10 Minutes
Although it might not seem like it, you can start learning or improving your Hebrew in the next 10 minutes!? Of course, how you do that depends on where you are and what you are doing. If you can only be on the computer for a few minutes and are about to run out, something easy you can do is legally download some Hebrew music or a podcast in Hebrew. While this might sound stupid, as you don't even know any Hebrew yet, the more you listen and familiarize yourself with the Hebrew language, the easier the whole process of learning Hebrew will be. If you listen to a favorite Hebrew song, for example, even if you don't understand all or any of the words, once you start building your Hebrew vocabulary, you will gradually start to understand parts of the song and it will help your entire learning process advance so you can learn Hebrew quickly.
If you don't have time to download music or a podcast and are literally running out the door, there is still something you can do to learn Hebrew.
While you are in the car or going wherever you need to go, try and brainstorm as many Hebrew words that you know as you can. You can also try to think of as many names that come from Hebrew as you can. Keep thinking about the names or words you have come up with. Do you know what they mean? Do you know where they come from? Can you use them in other contexts? If you answered "no" to any of these questions, it just means that you have more opportunity to learn! Remember the words or names you came up with and look them up later online, in a dictionary or by asking friends who know Hebrew better than you. By finding out their meanings, you can connect them to other related words and slowly but surely begin to build your Hebrew vocabulary. As your vocabulary begins to grow, so will your confidence in being able to speak, read, and listen to Hebrew!By using the tips provided here, you should be able to start learning or improving your Hebrew in the next 10 minutes!
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Monday, May 28, 2012
Nitin Chhodas Latest Therapy Newsletter Puts New Patients in ...
Denville, NJ (PRWEB) May 28, 2012
This content rich, engaging bi-monthly newsletter service serves as a call-to-action for new and current patients. In the last two weeks, it was customized in a way for the physical therapy business to reach out to their patients and the local medical community as well as other businesses to gain public recognition and make their services known. Therapy Newsletter automatically delivers the newsletters to patients without practice owners or managers having to write a single word. The result is now increased credibility with doctors and qualified referrals from newsletter readers and more patients. The newsletter is easily customized and can be changed as needed. Physical therapists can also send out birthday greetings and appointment reminders as well as notifications of upcoming special events all at the click of a mouse. The way this newsletter works is that when someone visits the physical therapy practices website, they enter their email address and other pertinent information. Once done, they are signed up to receive the newsletter via email or fax. The newsletter can also be printed off to hand out in the office. With this new high-technological way of reaching out to current and new patients as well as the surrounding medical and business community,
It is physical therapy marketing for physical therapy growth, states therapy newsletter developer Nitin Chhoda.
The Therapy Newsletter helps physical therapy billing offices to collect email addresses from website visitors by providing them with instant access to downloadable eBooks with different types of health information.
This customized high tech way to reach out to current patients, gain new patients and keep a physical therapy practices brand in the forefront of the competition is a time saving, budget wise way to grow and maintain a private practice. This is definitely a way for new practices to gain their reputation in their local community and also an excellent way for established practices to retain current patients or obtain new ones. If a private physical therapy practice could use a marketing boost, it should definitely consider checking out the services that the Therapy Newsletter system has to offer.
Chhodas office can be reached by phone at 201-535-4475. For more information, visit his physical therapy website.
Nitin Chhoda is a licensed physical therapist, a doctor of physical therapy, and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. Hes the author of Total Activation: The New 5 Step Fitness Mantra and Marketing for Physical Therapy Clinics. Hes been featured in numerous industry magazines, major radio and broadcast media, and is the founder of Referral Ignition training systems, Private Practice Summit, the Private Practice Formula and the Private Practice Mastermind group. Chhoda speaks extensively throughout the U.S., Canada and Asia. Hes the creator of the Therapy Newsletter, along with Clinical Contact, a web-based service that boosts patient arrival rates.
Posted: May 29th, 2012
at 12:21am by
Tagged with Chhodas, Good, Hands, Latest, Newsletter, Nitin, Patients, Physical, Puts, Therapists, Therapy
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Red Bull confident car is legal -
Red Bull confident car is legal
Just moments after the Monaco Grand Prix podium ceremony, with rain now pouring in the Principality, Red Bull chiefs were questioned over the latest feature on the RB8. First run in Barcelona, the cars of Sebastian Vettel and Monte Carlo winner Mark Webber now feature slots in the floor of the chassis, located near the rear wheels.
With Mercedes having queried the feature in Spain and McLaren and Ferrari now doing the same, Christian Horner and Adrian Newey are confident that the car remains legal.
?The car complies with the regulations, we?re happy with that and it?s the nature of Formula 1 that there are complaints when you have a competitive car,? Team Principal Horner told BBC Sport. ?Technically, I am absolutely convinced that we do comply.?
Newey, Red Bull?s Chief Technical Officer, then shared his side of the story.
?This arose after the Bahrain Grand Prix but we have a letter from Charlie Whiting and the FIA that it?s legal, so we?re not worrying about it at all,? he explained.
?As Christian said, it?s part of the game in Formula 1; it?s a shame it has to come up but I?m happy with it. If they?re not complaining, it probably means you?re going too slow!?
The current FIA Technical Regulations state that a car?s floor may not contain any surface which is impervious (meaning air could pass through it in any area). Rival teams now await a rule clarification from Formula 1 governing body the FIA.
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Sunday, May 27, 2012
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[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]
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Junior dos Santos wins, transforms from power puncher to happiest man on the planet
Source: --- Sunday, May 27, 2012
Junior DoS Santos defended the UFC belt at UFC 146. In the second round, the barrage of DoS Santos' punches were too much for Frank Mir. Referee Herb Dean stopped the fight, and a smile took over DoS Santos face. When UFC commentator Joe Rogan asked JD... Continue reading ? ...
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Mexico Tourism
Mexico is a major tourist destination for Americans, but all those dollars you spend south of the border may not benefit the local economy.
Host Peggy Wehmeyer talks with Jonathan Tourtellot of National Geographic's Center for Sustainable Destinations about how to have a vacation in Mexico that puts your dollars in the pockets of locals.
Encore presentation from August 3, 2008.
Music for this show ...
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How to choose right skin care products wisely ? Beauty, Health and ...
27 May 2012 o 5:39 | Skin care
Autor: admin |
There are several kinds of skin care products that can make your skin beautiful and glowing and you should always choose the right product. Following are certain guidelines that would help you to choose the best product for your skin.
Choose the right brand
It is always recommended to choose the right brand because this would help you to get the best product with a competitive price range. When you are choosing any inferior brand of skin care lotions or creams, this can leave some adverse affects on your tender skin. Therefore while choosing a brand, you should make sure that it is a world class brand and can be quite beneficial for your soft skin.
Visit a reputed store
It is possible to get the best skin care product by visiting the most reputed store in your city. There might be several store offering creams and lotions in a discounted rate but it is always good to visit a store which has strong reputation out there. It is never a bad idea to go for online shopping because this is the only way that can help you to get some flexibility to take the right purchase decision. The best part of taking a purchase decision online is that you can take a look at the available product list, make comparison between the features and price tags and choose the right payment plan.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012
NA deputies want insurance for forex deposits ? TalkVietnam
The National Assembly (NA) deputies stressed on Wednesday there should be insurance for deposits in gold and foreign currencies, although NA committees feared that it would disturb the monetary market.
The draft Deposit Insurance Law was discussed at the NA working session on Wednesday. Several NA delegates disagreed with the draft which specifies that only deposits in Vietnam dong would be covered by insurance. They suggested that the insurance coverage be expanded for gold and foreign currency deposits as well.
The deputies argued that the foreign exchange management policy only prohibits payment in foreign money. In addition, the State does recognize gold and foreign currency deposits and is now calling for overseas remittances, thus there needs to be insurance for such assets.
Besides, insurance for gold and foreign currency deposits would damage the confidence in the dong stability and likely disturb the monetary market.
Deputy Tran Hoang Ngan of HCMC stressed: ?The goal of Deposit Insurance Law is to protect depositors. Then, foreign currency depositors also need to be protected.?
?Deposits in foreign currencies make up a large portion of the total mobilized capital in the banking system. If this kind of deposits is not covered by insurance, then when uncertainties occurred, would the system safety be ensured?? Ngan wondered.
Nguyen Thanh Hai of Hoa Binh noted if insurance for deposits in foreign currencies is available, banks will have more chances to mobilize foreign money, which will help restrict dollarization.
Meanwhile, Touneh Drong Minh Tham of Lam Dong said citizens currently keep a huge amount of gold. If insurance for gold deposits is regulated by law, people will entrust their gold to credit institutions.
However, Nguyen Van Giau, chairman of the NA Economic Committee, said insurance for deposits in gold and foreign currencies might lead to misunderstanding that the State encourages accumulation of foreign currencies and precious metals, which is inconsistent with the foreign exchange policy.
The draft Deposit Insurance Law says only individual depositors will get insurance. The NA Standing Committee explained the State agencies, socio-political organizations and businesses do not have temporarily idle funds.
However, NA deputies suggested expanding the scope of deposit insurance coverage to enterprises and organizations as well.
Deputy Nguyen Thai Hoc of Phu Yen wondered: ?If an organization has a legitimate need for deposit insurance, will it be insured? There are organizations currently managing many funds with a huge amount of money. They have demand for deposits and insurance. Therefore, there should be regulations for these funds to get insurance.?
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Mobile Security Services, Cloud Key to Disaster Planning: ATandT ...
Disaster recovery plans are an essential element for any organization, and mobile security services are taking an increasingly prominent place in those plans, according to a survey from network operator ATT, which found six out of 10 (60 percent) invest in mobile security services, with the majority (69 percent) indicating potential security breaches as the most pressing concern.
Maintaining mobility and wireless capabilities, though inherently complex, has become increasingly important to businesses, with 67 percent of executives surveyed indicating they have included wireless network capabilities as part of their business continuity plans, and 52 percent of IT executives surveyed anticipated the spending for mobile security services to increase.
The survey also indicated companies have had their business continuity plans fully tested in the past year, according to 63 percent of respondents, and the vast majority (87 percent) have already implemented the necessary arrangements for communicating with key executives during a natural disaster. Businesses are also preparing for the possibility of a ?virtual event? such as a potential security breach, with 67 percent of respondents indicating their business continuity plans include such a scenario.
?There?s certainly no shortage of potential threats or disasters around the world and it?s evident that executives are taking the necessary measures to ensure their business continuity plans are in place and actionable,? Chris Costello, assistant vice presidents of offer management for cloud services said in a prepared statement. ?We?ve seen a strong emphasis on IT security and continued growth in areas of cloud and mobile applications; implying that companies are embracing the tools and services needed to continue operational activities despite potential threats and disasters.?
ATT has conducted the study for more than 10 years, surveying IT executives from companies in the United States with at least $25 million in annual revenue to measure the national pulse on business continuity planning. The company also conducts several Network Disaster Recovery (NDR) exercises each year through regional and international markets, spending $600 million on the program, which includes specially trained managers, engineers and technicians and a fleet of more than 320 self-contained equipment trailers and support vehicle. The events are designed to test, refine and strengthen ATT?s business continuity and disaster recovery services.
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