Friday, August 31, 2012

John Michael Greer : The End of Gasoline Warfare | Peak Oil News ...

General Ideas

Last week?s discussion of American military vulnerabilities touched on one of the major issues that ought to be giving Pentagon officials sleepless nights?but only one of them. The military downsides of America?s obsession with high-tech gizmos, in a world where complexity just gives the other guy more opportunities to mess with you, are no small matter, to be sure, but those downsides are taking shape in a wider context that has its own bad news to deliver to fans of US global dominance.

To make sense of that context, though, it?s going to be necessary to return briefly to a point I?ve made here more than once before, which is the pervasive misunderstanding of evolution you?ll find straight across the cultural landscape of today?s America. Since Darwin first proposed his eminently simple theory more than a century and a half ago??How stupid not to have thought of it before,? Thomas Henry Huxley is reported to have said?the great majority of Americans, believers and critics alike, have insisted on redefining evolution as progress: what is ?more evolved? is better, more advanced, more progressive than the competition.

Not so. Evolution is adaptation to changing circumstances, and that?s all it is. In some cases, evolution moves organisms in the direction of greater complexity, but in plenty of other cases it?s gone the other direction. Over the two billion years or so since the first self-replicating organisms first appeared on this planet, the no-holds-barred wrestling match between genetic variation and a frighteningly unstable environment has turned out some remarkably weird adaptations?pterodactyls, uintatheria, Khloe Kardashian?but they aren?t the organisms that endure over the long term. The dragonflies who visit my backyard regularly haven?t changed much since the Devonian, the box turtle we see at intervals out front had relatives munching slugs in the Cretaceous, while the adolescent bat who got lost and ended up in our bedroom one morning a few weeks back would not have been out of place in the forests of the Eocene. They and organisms like them are survivors because they found a good stable adaptation and stuck with it; while other organisms adapted in ways that turned out to be dead ends.

It?s precisely because evolution is adaptation to circumstances, no more and no less, that it?s possible?and indeed easy?to find precise analogues to Darwinian evolution in fields far removed from biology. War is one of these. Seen from a systems perspective, nations competing for survival, prosperity, and power show plenty of equivalencies to species doing the same thing for the same reasons, and war?now as always, the final arbiter of national survival?follows patterns of adaptation that a Darwinian analysis explains well.

The collapse of Bronze Age chariot warfare discussed a few posts back offers a useful example. The chariot armies of the late Bronze Age were superbly adapted for their military environment, but like so many highly specialized life forms in evolutionary history, their adaptations limited their ability to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. That limit proved to be fatal to many societies along the eastern Mediterranean littoral, and might well have done so even for Egypt if that ancient society had not been willing and able to return to an older and more resilient set of military adaptations.

Our chances are fairly high of witnessing an even more striking example of the same process in the not too distant future. As discussed a while back in this series of posts, the current American way of war was originally pioneered by the German and Japanese militaries in the years before the Second World War, as both nations explored the extraordinary new possibilities that petroleum had opened up in war. The destruction of the French army in the spring of 1940 by a German invasion force that had fewer men, cannons, and tanks than its Allied opponents put the world on notice that the old ways of war no longer mattered; the Japanese conquest of the entire western Pacific in a few weeks at the end of 1941 made that memo impossible to ignore, and the United States?to the lasting regret of Germany and Japan?proved to be a quick learner.

The new warfare depended on the mobility that planes, tanks, and trucks made possible, but it had another dimension that is not always recognized. The German conquest of France in 1940, for example, did not succeed because the Germans met and crushed the Allied armies in a head-on battle. Rather, the panzer divisions of the Wehrmacht dodged the big battle the Allies wanted to fight on the plains of Belgium, and cut across France south of the Allied forces, breaking their communication and supply lines, while the Luftwaffe carried out air strikes to disorganize Allied units and crippled their ability to respond to a rapidly changing situation. Compare it to the US invasions of Iraq in 1990 and 2003 and it?s hard to miss the precise parallels; in both these cases, as in 1940 France, what handed a quick victory to the invaders was a strategy that focused on shredding the enemy government?s and military commanders? ability to respond to the invasion.

The aftermath, though, is telling. In 1940 as in 2003, the invader?s victory was followed promptly by a sustained insurgency against the occupying forces. (The only reason that didn?t happen in 1990 was that the elder Bush and his generals had the great common sense to declare victory and get out.) The same thing has happened far more often than not whenever gasoline warfare on the blitzkrieg model has taken place in the real world.

There are good reasons for that. Military theorists have postulated any number of conditions that define victory in war, but in practice these all come down to one requirement, which is that the losing side has to be convinced that giving up the fight is the best option it has left. That was the point of the old-fashioned pitched battle, in which one army offered battle at a chosen location, the other army accepted the invitation, both sides got into position, and then they hammered away at each other for a day or two until one side or the other had the stuffing pounded out of it. After a few battles of that kind, everyone from the king to the lowliest foot soldier knew exactly which side was going to keep on beating the other if the war went on, and so a peace treaty was normally negotiated in short order.

Gasoline warfare rarely has the same result. For those on the losing side?I?m relying here especially on accounts by French and British officers who were in the Battle of France in 1940?the war is a roller-coaster ride through chaos; many, sometimes most, ground units never have the chance to measure their strength against the enemy in combat, because the other side has gone right past them and is deep behind their lines; orders from their own commanders are confused, contradictory, or never arrive at all; and then suddenly the war is over, the government has surrendered, and the other side is parading through Paris or Baghdad. So there you are; your government?s will to resist may be broken, but yours isn?t, and pretty soon you?re looking around for ways to carry on the fight. That way lies the French Resistance?or, for that matter, the Iraqi one.

This is why resistance movements sprang up so promptly in every nation conquered by Nazi Germany, and why insurgencies have done the same so often in nations conquered by the United States. It?s the natural result of a way of war that?s very good at bullying governments into fast collapse but very poor at convincing the ordinary grunt in uniform, or for that matter the ordinary person on the street, that the other side?s triumph ought to be accepted without further fuss. (Attentive readers will note here that the logic of the blitzkrieg is weirdly similar to that embraced more recently by believers in the sudden collapse of industrial society; in both cases, the words ?what happens next? play an insufficiently large role in planning, and the possibility that people affected by a sudden collapse might do something to respond to it rarely seems to get a look in.)

It?s here that the Darwinian analysis of war mentioned earlier is most relevant, because insurgency is not a fixed thing. It evolves over time, as different insurgent groups try new tactics, strategies and weapons, and draw on the experience of past insurgencies. The evolution of insurgency, as it happens, dates from before the birth of gasoline warfare; it emerged as opponents of European colonial regimes in the Third World began to adapt the methods of European revolutionary warfare to the distinctive conditions of their time. The new model of insurgency saw its first trial runs in South Africa and the Philippines right around 1900; both insurgencies were eventually defeated, but not without serious cost to the two imperial powers in question, and the lessons learned in those wars spread widely?it?s not accidental, for example, that the word ?commando? entered military parlance in the very early 20th century from Afrikaans, where it was used for Boer insurgent groups fighting the British.

The evolutionary struggle between gasoline warfare and insurgency has been much discussed in recent years in military journals, although the label that?s been given to state of the art insurgency??Fourth Generation warfare,? or 4GW for short?confuses far more than it reveals. The notion that military history can be divided into a set of neatly defined generations, each one of which supersedes the one before it, simply restates the contemporary myth of progress in another guise, and is just as arbitrary as narratives of progress normally are; though the technologies differ, 4GW was practiced by Elamite hill tribes against Babylonian armies more than three thousand years ago, and will doubtless still be being practiced by peoples on the periphery of empires as long as human societies are complex enough to support urban imperial centers.

Despite the problems with the term, and with a good deal of the thinking that?s gathered around it, the debates aroud 4GW have brought up a crucial issue, which is that today?s insurgent groups have been at least as quick to innovate and to adopt the latest technology as their well-funded opponents in the Pentagon and its equivalents elsewhere. Darwinian selection works just as effectively on insurgencies as on species, and the mechanism is much the same?a constant pressure on ecological boundaries, which sooner or later stumbles across every available option for greater success at the hard work of survival. So far, the military bureaucracies in the world?s great powers have been able to stay more or less abreast of the resulting transformations, but their situation has a lot in common with that of physicians today faced with antibiotic-resistant bacteria: you can keep on inventing new antibiotics for a while, but the law of diminishing returns is always working against you, the germs are gaining ground, and you know that sooner or later something lethal, communicable, and resistant to all known antibiotics is pretty much certain to make an appearance.

Exactly what form the next military revolution will take is an interesting question. Some days I suspect that a first draft of it was field-tested by the Hezbollah militia in southern Lebanon in 2006. To deal with an invasion by an Israeli Army as thoroughly committed to gasoline warfare as any army on earth, Hezbollah adopted a strategy that could probably be called preventive insurgency. Soldiers, weapons, ammunition and supplies were carefully stashed in underground hideouts all over southern Lebanon in advance of the Israeli invasion, where they could wait out the aerial bombardment and the initial assault, and then popped up unexpectedly behind Israeli lines with guns and antitank rocket launchers blazing. While both sides claimed victory in the resulting struggle, the fight was nothing like as one-sided as Israel?s two earlier invasions of Lebanon had been Could the same strategy be taken further, and turned into a wickedly effective defense in depth against a conventional invasion? I suspect so.

On other days, I remember the war between Libya and Chad in 1987, when Libya was a client state of the Soviet Union and had an extensive army and air force equipped with secondhand Russian tanks and planes, and Chad had an army equipped mostly with Toyota pickups packing 50-caliber machine guns, rocket launchers, and half a dozen infantrymen in back. The Chadian forces won an overwhelming victory, whipping around the Libyan forces via goat trails in the mountains and leaving the plains of northern Chad littered with burning Libyan tanks. Those armed pickups are called ?technicals? in African jargon, and it?s a term you may want to remember; for decades now, they?ve been standard military vehicles all over the continent, and my guess is that it?s only a matter of time before they start being used elsewhere in the world. Could an army equipped with technicals, and with antiaircraft and antitank rocket launchers a little more sophisticated than the ones in common use just now, copy the Chadian victory against a major power? Again, I suspect so.

Whether or not these speculations have any bearing on the way things work out, though, the age of gasoline warfare that began with Stukas screaming out of the sky in the spring of 1940 is guaranteed to come to an end sooner or later. There are two reasons that can be said with a fair degree of assurance. First, of course, is the simple fact that every way of making war eventually runs into something it can?t handle. If military history shows anything, it?s that the invincible army of one era is the crow food of the next, and far more likely than not the switchover has nothing to do with technological progress; it simply takes a certain amount of time for potential enemies to stumble on whatever trick or tactic will do the job.

Still, even this factor is less certain than the other, which is that gasoline warfare is only possible in the presence of ample supplies of gasoline. More generally, the contemporary American way of war can only continue if huge amounts of relatively cheap energy can be provided, not only to fuel planes and tanks and ships, but to support the immense infrastructure that makes modern war possible. As that surplus of energy wanes, so will gasoline warfare, and the successful military powers of the future will be those that can figure out ways to project power and win battles with less of an outlay of energy and raw materials than their rivals.

To be sure, some amount of gasoline or the equivalent will be going into war for a very long time to come?the advantages provided by the internal combustion engine are real enough that gasoline will probably still be being used for military purposes long after the private automobile has retreated into legend. My guess, though, is that the last gallons of gasoline to used in warfare will be fueling technicals, not tanks?and long before that happens, a way of war dependent on the extravagant consumption of energy and raw materials will have gone whistling down the wind alongside a civilization that tried to support itself on the same unsustainable basis.

The Archdruid Report


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British GENES (British Genealogy News and Events): FindmyPast ...

The American FindmyPast site at is to cease offering its new Pioneer annual subscription for just ?38 on September 9th 2012.

The US site offers most of the UK records, though there are some gaps, such as merchant seaman records, death duty registers and others. It does offer complete access to all BMD registers, parish records, passenger records, military records and more, not least of which the offerings of both FindmyPast Ireland and FindmyPast Australasia. For professional genealogists it importantly offers access to these records via the basic subscription (as Ancestry does with its holdings), rather than the system of having to pay for credits if using the UK, access via subscription not being allowed (despite being the same records on the US site - don't ask!).

The search set up is different to the UK site, and is now equalled by the same system on the Irish and Australasian sites. The US site will also be adding more US material (obviously!) - including WW1 military draft records just released - and forthcoming parish records material.

(With thanks to Kathryn Hughes @WYorkshireLives)


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Lenovo outs 15-inch IdeaPad U510 Ultrabook with Ivy Bridge CPU, optical drive: $679 and up (update: hands-on)

Lenovo's IFA itinerary is marathon-length. It unveiled no fewer than three tablets yesterday, not to mention three new IdeaPad S Series notebooks, and today it's serving up more laptops. Let's hit the high-profile guy first: Lenovo's IdeaPad Series lineup of Ultrabooks is getting its first 15-inch model, the Windows 8-running U510. The machine weighs 4.85 pounds (2.2kg) and measures 0.83 inches (21mm) thin, which is hefty for an Ultrabook but gives it enough room for a DVD burner or an optional Blu-ray drive. The 15.6-inch display's resolution is a ho-hum 1,366 x 768, which is exactly what you'll find on the IdeaPad U310. The laptop will be available with up to a Core i7 Ivy Bridge CPU, up to 8GB of RAM and a 500GB, 750GB or 1TB hard drive and optional 24/32GB SSD cache. Connections include USB 2.0, USB 3.0, VGA and HDMI, and there's an SD card reader as well. Lenovo rates the machine for six hours of battery life. The U510 will set you back $679 (for the entry-level configuration) when it goes on sale in September. For now, you can check out our hands-on photos below.

Zach Honig contributed to this report.

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Lenovo outs 15-inch IdeaPad U510 Ultrabook with Ivy Bridge CPU, optical drive: $679 and up (update: hands-on) originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 31 Aug 2012 03:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Understanding The Procedure Of Breast Augmentation | Jackie's ...

If a woman is not pleased with her figure she may choose to remedy her problem by having a cosmetic procedure. Breast augmentation is one such procedure. Surgery of this type provides a way for women to increase their bust size and combat a poor self-image. While it is true that such procedures have assisted a high number of women to feel better about their physical appearance, they are not the best solution for all women.

There are advantages and disadvantages associated with all types of cosmetic surgery. For this reason, each individual must make her own decision about whether or not a specific procedure is a wise option. If a woman chooses to move forward with breast augmentation, she should select her cosmetic surgeon with care.

Breast augmentation involves the surgical placement of implants. The latter are placed underneath the woman?s natural breasts. The size one chooses is largely a matter of personal preference, although most cosmetic surgeons will make recommendations based on the woman?s frame.

The implants are manufactured from silicone or saline, although saline is the more common of the two substances. This is because it is considered the safest choice and offers the best results. However, both options are usually discussed at the woman?s initial consultation.

The implants are usually positioned under the woman?s chest muscle. However, in certain instances they are placed on top. This is another detail of the procedure that a woman should discuss with her doctor before scheduling the surgery. Certain cosmetic professionals will not place the implant above the muscle, as to do so sometimes results in post surgery complications but offers no additional cosmetic advantages.

Breast enhancement surgery is typically completed on an outpatient basis. Most of the time the woman can return home after a few hours of recovery time. However, if complications occur following the procedure, the patient may have to stay in the hospital for several nights. Recovery time is something that will vary significantly from one individual to the next. In most cases, however, a woman will find that she can resume her normal daily activities within three days of her procedure.

Selecting a plastic surgeon is not something that should be taken lightly. Most medical professionals recommend choosing a surgeon who specializes in breast augmentation. While most general plastic surgeons are familiar with the aforementioned procedure, numerous individuals find that they are more comfortable with surgeons who specialize. Additionally, it is always a good idea to carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of any cosmetic procedure before surgery is scheduled.

Check out this site for more information on Breast Reduction

Related Reading:

Cosmetic Surgery For DummiesCosmetic Surgery For DummiesCosmetic surgery is one of today?s hottest topics. From daytime talk shows and popular magazines to conversations at the salon, it seems that almost everyone has had it, is thinking about it, or knows someone who is getting it. Statistics show more and more women?and men?are having cosmetic surgery. And with all the options now available, it?s important to be fully informed before you make any decisions about having a procedure.

Now, Cosmetic Surgery For Dummies is here to guide you through today?s top procedures, candidly addressing both the benefits and the risks. R. Merrel Olesen, MD, the medical director of the La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre, and Marie B.V. Olesen, a nationally known cosmetic surgery consultant, give you the tools you need to:

  • Decide if surgery is right for you
  • Find a qualified surgeon
  • Set realistic expectations
  • Evaluate the costs
  • Enhance your recovery and results

This plain-English guide shows you how to take advantage of all the advances in cosmetic surgery while avoiding the pitfalls that could compromise your safety or the quality of your result. From implants to liposuction to Botox, you?ll understand the right questions to ask your doctor, how to prepare for surgery (both physically and financially), and the best ways to influence the healing process. You?ll also:

  • Discover the latest surgery techniques and medications
  • Understand the different surgeon specializations
  • Sort through the various non-surgical facial treatments
  • Evaluate your post-op care options
  • Cope with complications
  • Deal with family, friends, and coworkers before and after surgery

Complete with lists of questions to ask before surgery and top Web sites for cosmetic surgery information, Cosmetic Surgery For Dummies is a practical, friendly guide that will help you say hello to a new you!

Tags: breast augmentation, Breast Reduction, cosmetic surgery, Health, plastic surgery


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Google Launches New Ad Formats To Help Developers Monetize Google Maps

Google Maps ad unit largeAs Google Maps continues to face headwind from competitors like OpenStreetMap, Google has to find new ways to entice developers to continue to use its mapping solution. Today, the company is launching new ad units for Google Maps that bring Google's standard AdSense link units to its maps on third-party sites. These new ad formats join Google's long-established Maps Ad Unit, which the company introduced back in 2009.


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Republicans count down to Romney's big speech

TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Mitt Romney faces the biggest test of his White House bid on Thursday when he addresses the Republican convention, a chance to convince America he can forge a path to economic rebirth and provide stronger leadership than President Barack Obama.

Taking center stage in a tight race, Romney will be seen by a television audience numbering in the tens of millions, with some voters getting their first extended look at the former Massachusetts governor, who unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination in 2008.

Romney, who can often come across as stiff, must inspire fellow Republicans, many of whom have shown little passion for him, and make the broader electorate feel more comfortable with him. Paying a brief visit to the convention hall on Thursday afternoon, Romney smiled and waved from the podium as he did a walk-through for his speech.

As portrayed by Democrats, Romney, 65, is alternately a heartless corporate raider, wealthy elitist, tax evader and policy flip-flopper who should not be trusted with the keys to the White House.

But in a "bounce" for Romney from the three-day convention in Tampa, Florida, the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll showed him moving into a narrow lead over Obama -- 44 percent to 42 percent among likely voters. The Republican candidate had entered the week trailing Obama by four percentage points.

Such convention-related boosts in the polls are typically short-lived, and with Obama set to headline the Democratic convention next week in Charlotte, North Carolina, the incumbent could quickly rebound.

Obama still has the advantage over Romney in likability, an important trait that may mask other problems that the Democratic incumbent has in persuading voters to give him four more years as a weak economy continues to dog the country.

Movie star Clint Eastwood will bring a touch of Hollywood glamour to the convention, appearing as a surprise last-minute speaker to warm up the crowd for Romney, the CNN and Fox networks reported. Romney's speech will start at around 10:15 p.m. (0215 GMT).

Romney has a hard act to follow after the ringing "you can trust Mitt" endorsement delivered by his wife, Ann, on Tuesday to the convention, a speech widely viewed as one of the most significant ever given by an aspiring first lady.

He got a rousing testimonial on Wednesday night from his vice presidential running mate, Paul Ryan who generated the most enthusiasm so far at the convention but also drew Democratic accusations that he lied about Obama's record and distorted his own.

With an eye to the mounting costs of campaigning in the final 10-week sprint to the November 6 election, Romney broke away from the convention scene briefly to headline a lunch with big party donors in nearby St. Petersburg.

Preparing for his moment in the spotlight was clearly on his mind. "In case you haven't heard, I'm going to be speaking tonight," he said jokingly.


Dropping in on the convention hall before his appearance to formally accept his party's nomination, Romney stood at the podium while workers adjusted teleprompters to his preferred height and a convention organizer took him through his paces.

"This is the biggest speech of his political career, and I have no doubt that he will deliver the best speech of his political career," senior campaign adviser Eric Fehrnstrom told reporters.

Leaving little to chance at the carefully stage-managed event, Republican convention organizers extended the podium outward and lowered it closer to the audience, seeking to create more intimacy for Romney's address within the cavernous hockey arena.

There was no shortage of advice for Romney from Republican heavyweights.

Arizona Senator John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee in 2008 who lost to Obama, said Romney needs to accomplish two tasks: one, convince Americans "that they believe in him and trust in him, and two, that he has a concrete plan to get our economy back on the right track."

"We've got to reduce the unfavorables, and many Americans will be looking at him for the first time," McCain told Reuters.

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush - a son of former President George H.W. Bush, another politician known during his tenure for a sometimes aloof demeanor - said Romney had to do more to reach voters on a personal level.

"What he has to do a little better, I think - and I think he's more than prepared to do this - is to connect with other people's aspirations and their hopes," he told CBS's "This Morning" program.

Romney's big speech culminates a long journey. After failing to win the Republican nomination in 2008, he plotted a return to the political arena. This year he was tested time and again by a series of conservative alternatives from Newt Gingrich to Rick Santorum in a long and bitter primary campaign.

He outlasted all of them, helped by huge spending on negative ads by "Super PACs" that support him, but is still struggling to win over many Republicans unsure of his conservative credentials.

Consider the political odyssey of Sarah Van Dran, 74, a member of the Texas delegation at the convention.

First, she was excited about Texas Governor Rick Perry, then she switched to Gingrich. "He knew where he was going, he had ideas," she said wistfully of the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. "Now I'm for Romney."

Romney has some inherent advantages in his race against Obama. He is topping the Democrat in campaign donations, and the weakness of the U.S. economy, with a staggering 8.3 percent unemployment rate, gives him a lethal argument for change.

Even so, Romney is far from closing the deal. It is unclear whether his economic proposals for tax cuts and deregulation of industries would rekindle growth and keep taxpayer dollars flowing into the Treasury to pay for expensive government entitlement programs, such as the Medicare health insurance program for seniors, which he wants to reform.

Obama insisted the race should hinge not on personality but on stark policy choices.

"This isn't a matter of who is more patriotic or who is more empathetic towards people or who is nicer. It's a hard-headed assessment of what makes our economy grow," Obama told Time magazine in an interview published on its website on Thursday.

Ryan's Wednesday night acceptance speech was hailed by Republicans and many media pundits for setting the stage for the party's nominee.

But the Obama campaign responded angrily to some of the Wisconsin congressman's attack lines, releasing an online video that accused him of "breath-taking falsehoods."

(Writing by Steve Holland and Matt Spetalnick, additional reporting by Patricia Zengerle, Sam Youngman, Sarah Irwin and Susan Heavey; Editing by Alistair Bell and Jim Loney)


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

India planning fresh 2G spectrum auctions for November 12th

India planning fresh 2G spectrum auctions for November 12th

India's Department of Telecommunications has issued guidelines for the forthcoming 2G spectrum auction, penciled in for November 12th. While the subcontinent has already flogged off its 3G bands, it withdrew 122 licenses in the 1,800MHz and 800Mhz waves due to allegations of serious corruption. The country has set the starting price of $2.5 billion, a figure that the networks have balked at, saying that it'll cause tariffs to increase -- but is less than half of the $5.61 billion the country had originally sought to raise during the first, scandal-ridden auction.

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India planning fresh 2G spectrum auctions for November 12th originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 28 Aug 2012 02:34:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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7 Easy WordPress Security Tips | Business 2 Community

WordPress is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) on the World Wide Web.?Like many popular applications, WordPress even has many thousands of plug-ins and widgets created by WordPress? vast developer community. Because WordPress is open source and licensed under GPL, each release gets better and better, and thousands of developers are making useful programs for it. Although WordPress was really designed for blogs, with the multitude of plug-ins that can be installed, and the flexibility to customize many elements, the CMS can be adapted for many other formats of websites.

WordPress is used by an astonishing 8.5% of all websites. Web delivered malware and website cracking are becoming increasingly common. With such a large percentage of web content using WordPress as a CMS, any security vulnerabilities in WordPress? coding or framework could affect millions of websites.

In this article, I?ll explain how you can best protect your WordPress developed website from malware and cracking.

Step 1: Audit Overall Work Station Security

First of all, make sure that any and all PCs and web servers you use are kept properly secure. Make sure you?re running the most recent release of your favourite web browser, and make sure that it?s set to automatically patch. Do the same with your antivirus software and operating systems. Make sure that all authentication vectors you use have secure passwords which are changed every so often. Scan your PCs and servers for malware, frequently. Make sure you use proper firewalls- at the OS level, at the router level and at the ISP level, if at all possible. Any security holes outside of WordPress, in software and hardware you use with it, can affect the CMS itself. It?d be sad to create a really secure password for your WordPress admin account, only to find out a keylogger defeated all of your effort.

Step 2: Keep WordPress Updated

Then, the next step is to make sure you always have the most recent version of WordPress installed. Updating WordPress is relatively quick and easy, and can be done through the WordPress panel in your web browser. If the most recent version of WordPress is incompatible with the versions of PHP and mySQL installed in your web server or web host, I strongly recommend you go to the effort to upgrade those to ensure your version of WordPress is up to date. Obsolete versions of WordPress will no longer get security patches, much the same way that older OSes see support expiration.

Step 3: Report Bugs and Vulnerabilities

If you ever discover security vulnerabilities on your own, do the community a favour by sending a detailed e-mail to If the vulnerability is in a plug-in instead, e-mail You would want other web developers to report loopholes that may affect your website, so treat others as you would like to be treated! Just avoid writing about those newly discovered vulnerabilities on the web or on social networking sites, so that information doesn?t fall into the wrong hands.

Step 4: Check For Exploits

Every so often, run the ?Exploit Scanner? plug-in to check for indications of malicious activity. Exploit Scanner doesn?t directly repair any issues, but it will leave you a detailed log to troubleshoot with. If you ever suspect cracking, that?s the time to run that plug-in, as well.

Step 5: Disable Custom HTML When Possible

WordPress can use custom HTML for various functions. If that isn?t absolutely necessary for the form and function of your website, you may want to disable unfiltered HTML by adding ?define( ?DISALLOW_UNFILTERED_HTML?, true ); ? to your wp-config.php file.

Step 6: Back It Up!

?WP-DB Manager? is excellent for backing up your entire WordPress site, but it?ll also alert you to mySQL vulnerabilities and let you know when parts of your database are publicly accessible.

Always be sure to properly back up the content of your site. In a worst-case scenario, at least keeping back ups will allow you to easily restore your site. With WP-DB Manager, you could also use ?Online Backup for WordPress?. The back up the plug-in creates can be stored in your e-mail inbox, on your PC, or you can use the 100MB of free storage space on developer Backup Technology?s own secure servers.

Step 7: Install Other Useful Security Plug-Ins

I previously mentioned the Exploit Scanner plug-in, which you should run on your site every so often to check for vulnerabilities and cracking attempts. There are a number of other WordPress plug-ins that I recommend you install and use. When used properly, they can harden your WordPress site very effectively.

With Exploit Scanner, you can also use ?WP Security Scan?. Not only will the plugin look for vulnerabilities, but it?ll also give you specific advice for blocking them.

To prevent man-in-the-middle cracks to find your login credentials, be sure to encrypt your login packets with ?Login Encryption?. That plugin uses both DEA and RSA algorithms for enchanced security.


Installing plug-ins from the admin panel

Configure the ?Limit Login Attempts? plugin to prevent brute-force attacks. With the plugin, you can set a maximum number of login attempts, and also set the duration of lockouts in between.?The ?User Locker? plugin works in a similar way. With it, you can set a maximum number of invalid authentication attempts before the account is locked.?There?s also an excellent plug-in for securing your entire admin panel. Try ?Admin SSL Secure? plugin to encrypt your panel with SSL.

Another excellent plug-in for securing your site?s login is ?Chap Secure Login?. By using that plugin, all of your login credentials, except for usernames, will be encrypted with the Chap protocol and SHA-256 algorithm.?As mentioned before, it?s an excellent idea to change as many WordPress defaults as possible. With ?Stealth Login?, you can create custom URLs for logging in and out of your site.

WordPress sites are frequently targeted by spambots. I have to spend a lot of time going through comments on my site, and the majority of my pending comments have to be marked as spam. Imagine what those spambots can do to your site, beyond giving you a lot of tedious extra work! For that reason, I recommend installing ?Bad Behavior? on your site. By logging your site?s HTTP requests, you can better troubleshoot spambot issues. Furthermore, the plugin will limit access to your site when a bot hits it.

With Bad Behavior, you can also use ?User Spam Remover?. It will remove unused user accounts on your site. You can set an age threshold to those settings and you can also configure a whitelist. ?Block Bad Queries??will try to block malicious queries made to your site. It looks for ?eval(? or ?base64? in request URIs, and also looks for request strings that are suspiciously long.?An anti-malware shield can be applied to your entire site with the ?AntiVirus? plugin. It looks for viruses, worms, rootkits, and other forms of malware. Be sure to keep it updated!

When you choose and install plug-ins on your site, also be sure to only install plugins offered through your admin panel or under the plug-in directory at Outside plug-ins may be secure, but it?s best to mitigate the risk. Officially released plug-ins are audited for security and scanned for malware.

Keeping your WordPress site hardened for security is an ongoing responsibility, just like all other areas of IT and development security. You can?t just configure a number of settings or programs and then forget about it. Your WordPress site should be on a schedule for malware and vulnerability scanning, and logs should be kept and analyzed.

By keeping your WordPress site secure, you?re doing your part to prevent malicious activity that could not only harm websites, but also web servers and user?s PCs, tablets and smartphone devices. As WordPress is such a common CMS on the web, knowledge about the design and configuration of the console is readily available, and certain hacks could work on perhaps millions of websites. Fortunately, knowledge about WordPress security is abundant, for much the same reasons. In the ongoing maintenance of your website and web server, always be security minded. You can then have proper control over your web content, and do your part to make the Internet a better place.

Kim Crawley is a researcher for InfoSec Institute.


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foundation repair - Understand Different Foundation Repair Methods

With changes in weather, not only your home and business suffers but also the foundation of the building. This is the reason why foundation repair is so common and relevant. You can easily find commercial foundation repair contractors who are there to offer a complete solution to any type of problem regarding repair of foundation. A foundation repair can be done with the use of different methods. Although, some common damages to the foundation can be simply repaired by the owner, however some very complicated repairs need professional and specific foundation repair methods.


The biggest threat to the foundation of a building is from floods and earthquakes. A proper and effective repair is required in order to keep the home or building secure from splitting, crashing onto the ground or to any one side etc. Once the foundation of a building starts settling or the soil starts to settle, some very problems will start erupting such as crack. All such problems of foundations should be quickly and effectively repaired in order to fix the house and to stop it from falling off.

Drilled Bell Piers

This is one such method which is a long used and effective method for foundation repair. Under this type of repair method, belled shafts are required which should be 11 feet in length. Then these shafts should be drilled carefully through the foundation of the house or building. After that these shafts get effectively filled with concrete and takes at least a week for drying up completely, this creates a new and stronger support for the building.

Helical Piers

This is another very common and popular method of foundation repair. This method is quite expensive in comparison to other methods of repair but more effective as well. Under this method of repair, a ditch is carefully dug around the foundation of a building or house. After a helix plate which is attached to a galvanized rod, it is then drilled under the building's foundation. Usually, the diameter of helix plate is approximately 11 inches and helps in preventing the foundation to move in any one direction.

Steel Piers

This method is also a little expensive as it requires the use of steel pipes. Under this, some steel pipes are driven carefully under the building in order to work as supporting beams. Although, this method is extremely reliable and effective still it can lead to some additional repairs in future as steel pipes are prone to corrosion and rust. provides basement repair, foundation repair, residential and commercial foundation repair at For more information you can visit their website.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

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Greenpeace activists intercept Russian ship

MOSCOW (AP) ? More than a dozen Greenpeace activists have intercepted a ship carrying Russian oil workers to a floating oil platform in Russia's Arctic.

Greenpeace said in a statement on Monday that 14 activists chained themselves to the anchor chain of the vessel which was carrying Gazprom's workers to the Prirazlomnaya platform in the Pechora Sea.

Gazprom is pioneering Russia's oil drilling in the Arctic. The state-owned company installed the platform there last year and is preparing to drill the first well.

Environmentalists have warned that drilling in the Russian Arctic could have disastrous consequences because of a lack of technology to deal with a possible spill in this remote region.

Six Greenpeace activists on Friday spent several hours hanging off the side of the Prirazlomnaya, attached to the rig's mooring lines.


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Star Trek fans rescue Enterprise-D bridge, plan to restore it to former glory

Star Trek fans rescue EnterpriseD bridge, plan to restore it to former glory

A trio of Star Trek: The Next Generation fans have rescued the junked remains of the Enterprise-D bridge from Paramount Pictures, with an eye to restoring it to its former glory. The fibre glass set was built for Star Trek: The Experience, after the original (wooden) set was unsurprisingly destroyed filming Star Trek: Generations. When the group knows how much the project will cost, they'll go to Kickstarter to raise funds, with the hope of exhibiting the set to the public. If you feel you might well-up at the sight of your childhood heroes' home lying in pieces in a parking lot, we advise you not to click on the gallery below, and instead kick in a couple of bucks when their appeal goes live.

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Star Trek fans rescue Enterprise-D bridge, plan to restore it to former glory originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 27 Aug 2012 17:47:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Skin Cancer Signs To Watch Out For | anti cancer blog

Cancer of the skin is common for people who have spent lots of time under the sun, without protection from the rays. It affects people of all skin tones. Skin cancer signs primarily develops on parts of the body that are most exposed to the sun, such as the hands, legs, neck, face, lips, and ears. There are also various stages of skin cancer, and each with their own symptoms.

Signs of skin cancer may be tricky to diagnose, but once you think you have the following then you should see a doctor at the soonest possible time:

1. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common of skin cancer signs. However, it is also the most easily treated, and signs of skin cancer tend to appear as a bump on your face or neck with a shiny exterior, or a flat lesion on the chest or back that may be flesh or brown in color.

2. Squamous cell carcinoma has a higher tendency to spread compared to basal cell carcinoma, and can only be treated if detected early. Skin cancer signs include a firm, red roundish lump on the hands, arms, face, neck or ears. It may also exhibit itself as a flat lesion with a more scaly and crusty surface on these same locations in the body.

3. Melanoma is the most severe and serious form of skin cancer. It is fatal and has led to many deaths, which is why early detection is extremely important in survival. Skin cancer signs of melanoma exhibit itself differently for men and women. Men should watch out for signs of melanoma on their head, neck, or trunk, while for women, it commonly affects the arms or legs. Signs of skin cancer to watch out for:

a. Small lesions with irregular borders with white, blue, or red spots.
b. A mole anywhere in the body that changes shape frequently and has irregular borders. It may also change color and size and may bleed.
c. Dark-colored lesions located in the fingertips, toes, palms, hands, or on mucous membranes such as the anus, lips, or vagina.
d. Firm bumpy moles that have a waxy or pearly exterior that may appear anywhere on the body.

4. Kaposi sarcoma is a form of skin cancer that is not common, but it is as severe as melanoma. Because it forms in the skin?s blood vessels, signs of skin cancer include the appearance of purple and red colored patches in the skin and mucous membranes.

5. Sebaceous gland carcinoma is characterized by painless nodules and often diagnosed as benign cancer. These can appear anywhere, although common affected sites are the eyelids. It is not a popular case but still, it is considered very dangerous.

If you are unsure about skin cancer signs, you may want to get the opinion of a doctor or dermatologist as waiting until the signs are more aggressive is a bad idea. Catching skin cancer early on is the best bet for survival.

About the Author

Neelima Reddy is an author and publisher of many health related websites. For more information on skin cancer basics, prevention methods and treatment options, visit his website at: Skin Cancer Information


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Author interview no.474 with writer Kat Spitzer ? Morgen Bailey's ...

Welcome to the four hundred and seventy-fourth of my blog interviews with novelists, poets, short story authors, biographers, agents, publishers and more. Today?s is with non-fiction author and blogger Kat Spitzer. A list of interviewees (blogged and scheduled) can be found here. If you like what you read, please do go and investigate further.

Morgen: Hello, Kat. Please tell us something about yourself, where you?re based, and how you came to be a writer.

Kat: My name is Kat Spitzer, and I?m based in Maryland. I have always been a writer, from a journaling child, to a bad-poetry-writing teenager, to a technical legal writer and grant writer, to the creative writer I am today.

Morgen: I love it whenever an author says they?ve always been a writer. I ?discovered? writing in my late 30s and wished I?d started earlier but remind myself that I have 30+ (now 40+) years? experience. What genre do you generally write and have you considered other genres?

Kat: I write non-fiction (although The Happy Hypochondriac reads like fiction? sadly it?s all true). I write books and also freelance articles and pieces for magazines. I also collaborated on a cookbook. I would like to try my hand (again) at a novel and look forward to that adventure down the road.

Morgen: Cookbooks are incredibly popular. As for your novel you could always write it for NaNoWriMo this November. :) What have you had published to-date? Do you write under a pseudonym?

Kat: You can find The Happy Hypochondriac on Amazon, Barnes & Noble?and other online and local retailers. It is a humorous tale of living a life of funny, and often ridiculous circumstances, while in constant fear over health. It?s positive and uplifting and hopefully readers will get a lot out of it. I also write the daily humor blog at my website of the same name, I write under my own name.

Morgen: Have you had any rejections? If so, how do you deal with them?

Kat: Oh man. There were so many rejections. In fact, when the publisher who did publish the book first contacted me, their letter started with ?I?m sorry?? and I almost deleted it from my email. That?s how used to rejection you become. But it was just ?I?m sorry it took so long to get back to you.? I?ve used every rejection as an opportunity for growth and to make my writing better.

Morgen: Phew. :) Do you have an agent? Do you think they?re vital to an author?s success?

Kat: My book was published by a smaller publisher so I don?t currently have an agent. Down the road, with more books, I will definitely want an agent if I want to get with a larger publisher.

Morgen: That?s the thing, isn?t it? Most authors realise that they?ll likely need an agent to get into the ?big six? but then with so many great independent publishers many are happy to do what you?ve done. Are your books available as eBooks?

Kat: The eBook is on the way! Stay tuned!

Morgen: Great. :) How much of the marketing do you do for your published works or indeed for yourself as a ?brand??

Kat: I do a ton of marketing. So much of it is social media but I also work with the publisher to get reviews, interviews, and other public speaking and promotional opportunities. I have a brand as The Happy Hypochondriac, so I try to do as much as I can to get it out there. Publishers rely more and more on authors to do so much of this themselves.

Morgen: They do because they just don?t have the budgets and, like many companies, when an employee leaves the work is then spread around the remaining staff. Do you have a favourite of your projects? If any of them were made into films, who would you have as the leading actor/s?

Kat: I would have to go out on a limb and say The Happy Hypochondriac. Is that narcissistic since that?s me? I definitely wouldn?t know who to pick as the actress to play me. Someone with big hair, for legitimacy purposes. My husband would like it if she had a British accent. It would be cool to see ?myself? with a tan.

Morgen: I have a British accent :) and a dog-walking tan :) but I can?t act (I had two lines in my school play and fluffed one of them). :( Did you have any say in the titles / covers of your books? How important do you think they are?

Kat: I was lucky to have some input on my cover and I am so grateful for that. No matter what anyone says, everyone judges a book by its cover to some degree.

Morgen: They do, especially online when it?s all a buyer has (apart from reviews). What are you working on at the moment / next?

Kat: I am working on Book 2 in a Happy Hypochondriac trilogy. I want to make readers laugh and feel better about their own situations or little idiosyncrasies.

Morgen: I think that?s the great thing about books (fiction and non-fiction), that they often make us realise that we?re only human and can make mistakes and that we?re often not as badly off as we thought. Do you manage to write every day?

Kat: I do try to write every day. The blog on my website helps me do that and keeps me sharp.

Morgen: Me too, especially my 5pm fiction slot. :) Do you plan your writing or do you just get an idea and run with it?

Kat: I have ideas on index cards and then I run with it. It?s very technical and precise. No, not really at all.

Morgen: <laughs> Do you have a method for creating your characters, their names and what do you think makes them believable?

Kat: All my characters are real. I change their names to other names I really like.

Morgen: Do you do a lot of editing or do you find that as time goes on your writing is more fully-formed?

Kat: I must have edited the first book about 15-20 times all the way through. It was pretty clean by the end. I still edit like that because I?m too self conscious about sending it out into the world half-bummed.

Morgen: 15-20 that?s some going. My biggest novel is 105K and will probably be under the 100 mark once I?m done with it (it?s currently having it?s final edits by one of my ? very firm but fair ? first readers) so will have had about seven read-throughs so hopefully it?ll zing. :) Do you have pieces of work that you think will never see light of day?

Kat: I wrote a novel once. I will admit it?s terrible. It will take a LOT of tweaking for that to see the light of day. But I am an optimistic, determined person and I will make it happen. One day. Probably not anytime soon.

Morgen: I like to think the same about everything I?ve written, that I?ve had enough practice (I?m pretty sure I?m over the 1,000,000 mark). What?s your favourite / least favourite aspect of your writing life? Has anything surprised you?

Kat: I love the flexibility of the work, in the sense that I can write late at night, or first thing in the morning, or sneak it in when my kids are in school or sleeping. I don?t have a least favourite aspect. I love it! What surprises me most is that I have enough to say.

Morgen: :) And all we need is a pen and paper, or with a laptop can share our muse with the world at the touch of a (few) button(s). What advice would you give aspiring writers?

Kat: Just keep writing. Even if it?s bad at first. Get those thoughts down. The more you write, the better you get. And be proud of yourself when you have some success. It will inspire you to do more.

Morgen: Absolutely ? you can?t edit a blank page. If you could invite three people from any era to dinner, who would you choose and what would you cook (or hide the takeaway containers)?

Kat: There?s no way I could narrow this down. I?ll take my husband and two kids any time, though. And if I don?t have to cook the food, even better.

Morgen: If you had to it wouldn?t be different from any normal meal so that wouldn?t be fair. Is there a word, phrase or quote you like?

Kat: Irish eyes are smiling (I?m Irish and I always want to be smiling).

Morgen: I have a great Irish friend (from Belfast) who married a US Army major and now lives in Washington and she?s always ?bonny?. :) Are you involved in anything else writing-related other than actual writing or marketing of your writing?

Kat: I enjoy public speaking and find that motivational speaking is one of my favourite activities.

Morgen: Is it? I?ve done very little although I?m OK if I?m confident about my topic. I?m down to do three talks / workshops and compering some of the panels / author readings at the forthcoming Northampton? s booQfest and I?m really looking forward to it because it?s literary (and I say I?ll go to the opening of a rejection envelope) but also it?s my home territory, like playing a home game of football or having the Olympics here. :) What do you do when you?re not writing?

Kat: I love to travel and my friend, who makes me run marathons, has convinced me that I like to run. I?m sceptical still on that one. I love reading as much as I love writing.

Morgen: While you?re running you could be thinking about your current project or planning your next one. When I?m walking my dog I?m usually reading a writing magazine, editing something or writing. We tend to fill our days pretty easily, don?t we. Are you on any forums or networking sites? If so, how valuable do you find them?

Kat: I spend astronomical amounts of time on social networking. LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I think they are valuable but I?m still a work in progress, I think.

Morgen: I?m on all those and feel the same ? it?s all a learning curve. Where can we find out about you and your work?

Kat: Visit me on my website at Read the blog, get the book, print out the book club questions for your reading, read my posts at

Morgen: Book club questions, what a great idea. Is there anything else you?d like to mention?

Kat: I love my fans, and hope you all enjoy reading my work.

Morgen: I hope so too. :) Thank you, Kat.

I then invited Kat to include a synopsis of her latest book?

How does a person stay upbeat in life when she constantly fears death or other health catastrophes?? This humorous, absurd, yet relatable story offers a glimpse into the antics of a hypochondriac; from the rapturous to the downright ugly. She endures dance recitals gone wrong, first love amid the glow of mini golf, living the college dream with waffle batter in her hair, the gut-wrenching loss of her parents, forging lasting love while clinging to a mountain, and starting her own family with a rash so bad she was declared a medical marvel; but shows it?s possible to function, succeed and even have fun despite the craziness.?

Kat Spitzer writes the blog, ?The Happy Hypochondriac? ( She also writes nonfiction for magazines. The Happy Hypochondriac is her first book. She graduated from Vanderbilt University and Vermont Law School. The word ?hypochondriac? appears in all of her medical files. She lives in Maryland, surrounded by her very patient and understanding friends and family.


If you are reading this and you write, in whatever genre, and are thinking ?ooh, I?d like to do this? then you can? just?email me?and I?ll send you the questions. You complete them, I tweak them where appropriate (if necessary to reflect the blog ?clean and light? rating) and then they get posted. When that?s done, I email you with the link so you can share it with your corner of the literary world. And if you have a writing-related blog / podcast and would like to interview me? let me know.

You can sign up to receive these blog posts daily or weekly so you don?t miss anything? and follow me on?Twitter?where each new posting is automatically announced. You can also read / download my eBooks and free eShorts at?Smashwords,?Sony Reader Store,?Barnes & Noble,?iTunes Bookstore,?Kobo?and?Amazon, with more to follow. I have a new?forum, friend me on?Facebook, like me on?Facebook, connect with me on?LinkedIn, find me on?Tumblr, complete my website?s?Contact me?page?or plain and simple,?email me.??I also now have a new?blog creation service?especially for, but not limited to, writers.

Unfortunately, as I post an interview a day (amongst other things) I can?t review books but I have a feature called ?Short Story Saturdays? where I review stories of up to 2,500 words. Alternatively if you have a short story or self-contained novel extract / short chapter (ideally up to 1000 words) that you?d like critiqued and don?t mind me reading it / talking about and critiquing it (I send you the transcription afterwards so you can use the comments or ignore them) :) ?on my ?Bailey?s Writing Tips??podcast,?then do?email me. They are fortnightly episodes, usually released on Sundays, interweaving the recordings between the red pen sessions with the hints & tips episodes. I am now also looking for flash fiction (<1000 words) for?Flash Fiction Fridays?and poetry for?Post-weekend?Poetry.

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Economic Index? (LEI) for the Euro Area ... - Live Trading News

Economic Index? (LEI) for the Euro Area Remains Unchanged in July


The Conference Board Leading Economic Index? (LEI) for the Euro Area was unchanged in July, standing at 104.8 (2004=100), following decreases of? 0.2 percent in June and 0.3 percent in May.

Said Jean-Claude Manini, The Conference Board Senior Economist for Europe: ?After falling for three consecutive months, the LEI for the Euro Area remained unchanged in July, as greater business pessimism in both manufacturing and services was offset by moderate improvements in financial indicators. It is questionable, however, whether financial indicators can continue to offset greater weakness in the non-financial sector. The leading indicators suggest that, following the moderate drop in Euro Area GDP during the second quarter, a further contraction in economic activity during the second half of the year is likely.?

The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index?(CEI) for the Euro Area, which measures current economic activity, was unchanged in July. The index now stands at 101.9 (2004 = 100) according to preliminary estimates*. The CEI decreased 0.1 percent in June and increased 0.2 percent in May.

About The Conference Board Leading Economic Index? (LEI) for the Euro Area

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index? for the Euro Area was launched in January 2009. Plotted back to 1987, this index has successfully signaled turning points in the business cycle of the bloc of countries that now constitute the Euro Area, defined by the common currency zone.

The Conference Board currently produces leading economic indexes for ten other individual countries, including Australia, China, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Spain, the U.K. and the U.S.

The seven components of The Conference Board Leading Economic Index? for the Euro Area include:

Economic Sentiment Index (source: European Commission DG-ECFIN)
Index of Residential Building Permits Granted (source: Eurostat)
EURO STOXX? Index (source: STOXX Limited)
Money Supply (M2) (source: European Central Bank)
Interest Rate Spread (source: European Central Bank)
Eurozone Manufacturing Purchasing Managers? Index (source: Markit Economics)
Eurozone Service Sector Future Business Activity Expectations Index (source: Markit Economics)


To view the webpage, which includes a pdf of the press release and technical notes:

To view The Conference Board calendar for 2012 indicator releases:

* Series in The Conference Board LEI for the Euro Area that are based on The Conference Board estimates are real money supply and residential building permits. All series in The Conference Board CEI for the Euro Area are based on The Conference Board estimates (employment, industrial production, retail trade, and manufacturing turnover).

About The Conference Board

The Conference Board is a global, independent business membership and research association working in the public interest. Our mission is unique: To provide the world?s leading organizations with the practical knowledge they need to improve their performance and better serve society. The Conference Board is a non-advocacy, not-for-profit entity holding 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status in the United States.

Summary Table of Composite Indexes
2012 6-month
May Jun Jul Jan to Jul
Leading Economic Index (LEI) 105.0 p 104.8 p 104.8 p
? Percent Change -0.3 p -0.2 p 0.0 p -0.9 p
? Diffusion 42.9 28.6 42.9 28.6
Coincident Economic Index (CEI) 102.0 p 101.9 p 101.9 p
? Percent Change 0.2 p -0.1 p 0.0 p -0.4 p
? Diffusion 75.0 37.5 50.0 0.0
n.a. Not available p Preliminary r Revised
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