There are thousands of sales training speakers to choose from in the market today, each with their own message. Unfortunately, most of them are still caught up in traditional sales techniques and conduct one to three day canned sales training programs. However, the sales training speakers, or traditional sales techniques, are not the problems. The clients who continue to engage them are! Are you one of them?
The last time you chose a sales training speaker what was the criteria you used to select them ? experience, knowledge, adult learning training techniques, passion, non-traditional message, budget, referral, etc?
What was the objective you wanted the sales training speaker to accomplish? What attitude, behavioral or competency changes were you looking for from your sales, and / or sales management team?
What was the duration of the program ? one, two, three days or more? Was it ongoing ? weekly, monthly or quarterly, annually? Was ongoing, on the job coaching provided?
Did the sales training speaker take management objectives ? attitude and behavioral changes, and individual sales / sales management needs into consideration?
Did the sales training speaker customize the sales training in any way ? industry, products, target market, management objectives, sales personnel needs, etc.?
When, or what day(s) of the week did the sales training speaker deliver the program? Was the sales training held on active selling days (pay time) or non-active (no pay time) selling days, or was it even taken into consideration?
There are a lot more questions to take into consideration when choosing a sales training speaker. These are just a few that clients need to consider in choosing a sales training speaker.
When I was a professional sales representative, I used to attend a lot of one or two day traditional sales training programs. The sales training speaker never took my sales needs into consideration, let alone sales management?s needs or objectives. They were not customize and were just off the shelve sales training programs delivered during normal business hours, many times by someone who never sold in their life. Do you think this form of sales training was effective?
A Sales training speaker like this may have been effective for the short term, allowing for some external motivation, which is temporary and never lasting. In reality, it was a waste of money. Why, for a number of reasons.
First the behavior of a sales professional cannot be changed overnight, nor in one, two or three days. It has to be an ongoing process, with additional sales management training and coaching so that the sales manager demonstrates the appropriate attitudes and behaviors they expect to see from their sales team ? remember, monkey see, monkey do.
A sales training speaker should also be asking questions in order to customize the sales training according to participant needs and to sales management needs and objectives. This way they get involved and look forward to participating. They take ownership of the sales training program, while it allows for customization to sales needs, objectives, industry and target market in which they are selling to.
Finally, the best sales training should not be conducting the sales training during times when customers are available. We refer to this as pay time, when commissions can be earned based on revenue generated. There are also times during the week when customers are not available ? no pay time. This is when sales training should be conducted. That is, if you want the best R.O.T.I.
Want to know what R.O.T.I. means? Ask
The Bottom Line: Invest in a sales training speaker who not only has passion and uses advanced interactive adult learning techniques, but who can provide buyer focused non traditional techniques on an ongoing basis during no pay time while customizing the program to management objective, participant needs, industry, time and budget for effective and measurable attitude, behavioral and competency improvements, if you want to up your bottom line.
Bob Urichuck is an International Professional Speaker, Trainer -founder of the ?Buyer Focused? Velocity Selling System and the Author of two best selling books ?Up Your Bottom Line? and ?Disciplined for Life: You are the Author of Your Future.? Bob is also ranked #4 in the World?s Top 30 Sales Gurus
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